Senate debates

Monday, 25 March 2024

Questions without Notice


2:58 pm

Photo of Don FarrellDon Farrell (SA, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Trade and Tourism) Share this | Hansard source

We know there are still too many Australians without a safe and affordable place to call home. That's why we have a broad and ambitious housing reform agenda to tackle the challenges we inherited after a decade of very little action from those opposite. We've committed more than $25 billion in new housing investments over the next decade and, unlike those opposite, we are working closely at all levels of government to deliver it.

We're supporting states and territories through: firstly, the $3 billion New Homes Bonus; secondly, the $500 million Housing Support Program; and, thirdly, the $10 billion Housing Australia Future Fund, which will build 30,000 new homes. There's also the National Housing Accord, which will help deliver 2,000 affordable homes in cooperation with states and territories. Homes are already being opened from our $2 billion Social Housing Accelerator, which will deliver another 4,000 new social homes.

Our Help to Buy shared equity scheme will also help boost supply through equity contributions of up to 40 per cent for new homes. Help to Buy is targeted at helping low- and middle-income Australians get into a home with just a two per cent deposit. It will give a leg-up into the homeownership dream to 40,000 Australian households and, importantly, it will help add to supply. It's the homes Australia needs for the Australians who need them.


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