Senate debates

Monday, 25 March 2024

Questions without Notice: Take Note of Answers

Answers to Questions

3:09 pm

Photo of Raff CicconeRaff Ciccone (Victoria, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

There will be many choices. Implementing the new vehicle efficiency standards will create greater choice for people in this country. They will include utes. They will include vehicles that will be able to tow boats. There will be a bigger range of vehicles in this country. The sad indictment is that Australia and Russia are the only two countries in the developed world that do not have these standards in place. It is amazing that somehow those in the rest of the world don't have utes. They don't have vehicles that tow big boats, but guess what? They also have the same standards that we're trying to implement here in this country. People will save money. They will have cheaper vehicles. They will have vehicles that will be much more efficient and better for the environment. Quite frankly, it is a win-win situation. I'm surprised those opposite won't support the package.


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