Senate debates

Monday, 25 March 2024


Defence Amendment (Safeguarding Australia's Military Secrets) Bill 2024, Defence Trade Controls Amendment Bill 2024; In Committee

5:57 pm

Photo of David ShoebridgeDavid Shoebridge (NSW, Australian Greens) Share this | Hansard source

Minister, it is remarkable that this parliament is about to rush through legislation, and yet the government doesn't have a single answer on how many permits are going to be required—not even a guesstimate. I understand where we've got to. It seems to be that you have no idea how many permits will be required, but you'll nevertheless just rush through the legislation and hope that higher education and industry can deal with it. I get that's where the government is, and it is one of the reasons why the Greens are opposing the bill.

I want to ask you a question regarding the fundamental research definition, which was pulled together very hurriedly and is now being put in by way of, I think, nine pages of hurried amendments to the bill. The definition of 'fundamental research' provides that it's:

… basic or applied research conducted in circumstances where the results of the research

(a) are intended for public disclosure, or would ordinarily be published or shared broadly; and

(b) are not subject to any restrictions on disclosure (however imposed) for purposes connected with the security or defence of Australia or any foreign country.

What does the government intend by the phrase 'however imposed'? Is it imposed by bureaucratic arrangements, is it imposed by policy or are you talking about it being imposed by legislative controls or is it just anything?


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