Senate debates

Monday, 25 March 2024

Questions without Notice

Cost of Living

2:11 pm

Photo of Matt O'SullivanMatt O'Sullivan (WA, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source

My question is to the Minister representing the Treasurer, Senator Gallagher. The most recent Finder RBA survey found that economists' positive sentiment across employment, wage growth, housing affordability, costs of living and household debt was at its second-lowest point in the history of Finder's RBA survey, at 10 per cent, second only to March 2020, which was at eight per cent. Meanwhile, new ABS data has revealed that, over the 12 months to December 2023, all five living-cost indexes rose by up to 6.9 per cent. Isn't it true that Australians are still worse off under Labor than they were a year ago?


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