Senate debates

Monday, 25 March 2024

Questions without Notice

Gender Equality

2:28 pm

Photo of Katy GallagherKaty Gallagher (ACT, Australian Labor Party, Minister for the Public Service) Share this | Hansard source

I thank Senator Payman for that question. We do have a plan. We here are proud members of the first federal government to have a majority of women members, and that does ensure that gender equality is not a fight that we have in our party room.

Everybody understands that there is work to be done and that we need to address it using the levers of government. We've been doing that by publishing employer gender pay gaps; by expanding PPL to 26 weeks; through our tax cuts, whereby 90 per cent of women will get a bigger tax cut; through the $4.7 billion for our cheaper childcare plan; by expanding parenting payment single; by reforming our workplace relations system to make it work better for women; through our plan to end violence against women and children; through all the work we're doing in the health space; through our gender-responsive budgeting; and, of course, through our gender-equal cabinet and government, in which we have women sitting around the table, listening to women and being united in getting on with working for women. (Time expired)


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