Senate debates

Monday, 25 March 2024

Questions without Notice


2:35 pm

Photo of Dean SmithDean Smith (WA, Liberal Party, Shadow Assistant Minister for Competition, Charities and Treasury) Share this | Hansard source

My question is to the Minister representing the Treasurer, Senator Gallagher. Last year when asked whether or not the Albanese government would reduce the fuel tax credit for off-road use, Senator Watt responded:

I can confirm that this government has no intention whatsoever of getting rid of it. I recognise that the Grattan Institute has made that suggestion, but we have categorically ruled it out, both I and the Prime Minister.

He also said:

… touching the diesel fuel rebate is not on this government's agenda. We are not considering it. We are not working on it.

Minister, can you confirm that this remains the position of the Albanese government on the diesel fuel rebate, and can you emphatically rule out any changes to negative gearing under this government in the same way that your colleague Senator Watt was able to on the diesel fuel rebate?


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