Senate debates

Tuesday, 26 March 2024


Adopting Artificial Intelligence (AI) Select Committee; Appointment

4:31 pm

Photo of James McGrathJames McGrath (Queensland, Liberal National Party, Shadow Assistant Minister to the Leader of the Opposition) Share this | Hansard source

Isn't this interesting? The coalition moved a motion last week to set up a select committee into AI following negotiations with the Labor Party—following a serious attempt to take the politics out of artificial intelligence. The Labor Party and the Greens said no, but, lo and behold, something happened over the weekend, and we find the Labor Party bringing in partisan, pithy, pathetic, personal politics into this place by denying the coalition, who tried to take politics out of artificial intelligence. What I say to the Labor Party and the Greens and Senator Pocock is you don't need artificial intelligence; you just need some intelligence to understand that this house of review should make sure we do not have party politics in something as important as artificial intelligence. So shame on the Labor Party, shame on the Greens and shame on Senator David Pocock, because you have shown your true colours when it comes to your contempt for this chamber, for this house of review—


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