Senate debates

Tuesday, 26 March 2024

Matters of Public Importance


5:52 pm

Photo of Jess WalshJess Walsh (Victoria, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

I am more than happy to tell Senator Hume and the chamber exactly what our tax plan is. Our plan is that every single Australian taxpayer will get a tax cut on 1 July. That is our tax plan. Our plan is that 13.6 million Australians will get a tax cut on 1 July. That is our plan. Our plan is that 90 per cent of Australian taxpayers will get a bigger tax cut than what was on offer from those opposite. That is our tax plan. Our plan is that Australians will keep more of what they earn. That is our plan, and our plan is working. What we are seeing is that wages are moving at the fastest rate in over a decade. We've seen minimum wage workers be supported by our government to receive over $100 a week more in their pay packet.


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