Senate debates

Tuesday, 26 March 2024


Australian Society

7:49 pm

Photo of Malcolm RobertsMalcolm Roberts (Queensland, Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party) Share this | Hansard source

Last week Senator Hanson spoke about record immigration and the human catastrophe it's causing everyday Australians. The Australian newspaper described her words as 'populist'. Among the commentariat, that label offers mythical protection, preventing them from having to actually discuss the issues we're raising. The commentariat may be interested in the definition of 'populist' being 'a politician who strives to appeal to ordinary people who feel that their concerns are disregarded by established elite groups'. Damn right! The elites have been ignoring everyday Australians' concerns for 50 years. Populist is exactly who we are in One Nation—a party that cares about everyday Australians and the financial, housing, social and medical crisis now engulfing us.

I'm proud that One Nation talk with the people and listen to what people have to say. I'm proud One Nation votes in parliament for the best interest of Australians, and I'm proud our supporters have the courage to stand up for what's right. This country would not be so far down the toilet if other parties in this place were as interested as One Nation is in the wants and needs of everyday Australians. Instead, they, like the commentariat, spit the word 'populist' from their mouths as if it were poison—as if it were an affront to their self-perceived superiority and arrogance.

Such contempt for the word 'populist' comes from a deep-seated sense of superiority amongst inner-city elites and their champagne socialist ideology—socialists whose wealth insulates them and their ideologies from human outcomes. These are the people who eat the food and drink the wine grown on farms that the same champagne socialists demonise as enemies of their net zero revolution—farmers who they wish would get off their land to make way for solar panels, wind turbines and powerlines erected in the bush so city socialists don't have to look at them. All the while, they pat themselves on the back about how worthy they are, under the hubris of their spiritual guide and leader, the World Economic Forum, which steals wealth and sovereignty from everyday Australians on behalf of globalist, parasitic billionaires.

To them, it doesn't matter that we Australians don't want to have our cars taxed until we can no longer afford to keep them; be locked into 15-minutes cities; never again be allowed to travel where we want, when we want and how we want; be living in homes rented from the billionaires because land taxes forced us to give up our own homes; be forced to rent furniture and whitegoods because green taxes made it too expensive to buy; and be forced to eat bugs and forced give up red meat in favour of cancer-like fake meat cultured in bioreactors. Who owns the companies making this slop? It is the same billionaires campaigning against red meat.

And what is the greatest threat of all? It is digital currency that comes with a use-by date. Spend every cent of the money you earn or your money expires. There'll be no saving and no passing wealth on to our children. Australians will live in economic and physical slavery, except those wealthy and well connected under a different set of rules.

When the commentariat dismiss us as populist, this is what they're covering up. These people are the billionaires' little minions—brainwashed ideologues and those simply greedy for money and power, operating in the bureaucracy, the media, corporations and parliaments around the world. Soviet Russia called these people the nomenklatura, and there's evidence they're in Australia, including here in this Senate. My words will be interpreted as some form of class warfare. Yes, they are. It was not One Nation, though, that started a war on working Australians. It will be One Nation that finishes it and wins it.

Right now, fortunately, the public are waking to see the voice behind the curtain. The greed and ruthless self-interest are now obvious amongst the billionaires and the nomenklatura. This will not be an exercise in free will. You will be forced to comply. The elements of the control agenda are being shaped right now.

The Digital ID Bill is on tomorrow's Senate schedule. This bill ensures every Australian has a government-backed digital identity that must be shown to access daily services: transport; shopping; banking, including ATMs; the internet; and much more. If you've heard the phrase 'papers, please' in connection with totalitarian regimes and wondered how people accepted that, wonder no more. The legislation can be used to prevent troublesome populists like One Nation from being heard.

The digital ID is paired with legislation previously passed through this parliament that allows government and business to scan everyday Australians' faces in real time as we go about our business. The legislation that One Nation opposed yet the Senate passed allows police and any bureaucrat associated with penalties to determine your identity through a facial scan taken using your computer, your phone, your traffic cam, your street or shopping centre camera—even at supermarkets, which these days have more cameras than staff. The result is each Australian's data history, which corporations are allowed to access. They will know everything about each of us, and this information will be traded to corporations and between corporations to build an even more detailed picture.

Who is to blame for these tools of tyranny? Labor, the Greens, teal Senator Pocock and the globalist Liberals and Nationals. One Nation tried to pass an amendment to prevent this type of facial scanning, yet the establishment parties voted our amendment down and out. They know this legislation's real purpose is to extinguish populism so that government can rule with total control.

It was chilling last week to hear Treasurer Jim Chalmers, who graced business leaders with his thoughts on our future economy. His speech included the statement that he believes Australia must become an 'anti-fragile nation' and he invoked the philosophy of Nassim Nicholas Taleb—that strength and resilience emerge from confronting stress and disorder. The Treasurer said, 'It is hard not to see the value in this idea.' What may appear as a Treasurer trying to impress the big end of town with his pseudo-intellectual 'wafflenomics' on the nature of randomness is much, much more. The 'non-fragile' in that conversation means: nothing the public can do, nothing the next 'plandemic' can do, will shape the total control held in the hands of government and their big business mates, the corporations. Nothing can and nothing will interfere with the flow of profit from everyday Australians into the pockets of the world's predatory globalist billionaires.

The Treasurer said that 'strength comes from confronting stress and disorder,' which is a tenet of Communist political theory. To build a new world order one must first create chaos from which the public will beg to be rescued—climate fraud and fear; COVID panic and hysteria. We now see chaos in the housing market, in the food and cost-of-living crisis, in the hospital and medical crisis, in education and across social issues like the capture of language and the erasure of women and gender. The Treasurer's words were a frightening self-own. The government are not interested in solutions. They want chaos, to force the public to accept a loss of sovereignty and freedom in return for income, housing and false security.

Many Australians are waking. Those who aren't waking are running out of time. All that is needed to complete the suppression of opposition to this new tyranny is the misinformation and disinformation censorship bill that Minister Gallagher introduced. Free speech is the one thing preventing their plan from being complete, and the misinformation and disinformation censorship bill destroys free speech.

One Nation, being a proudly populist party, will stick up for everyday Australians and oppose this control agenda. There is still hope. The internet is changing the ground rules, which is why they seek to control it. There is still time to sever the umbilical cord between the World Economic Forum and our parliament. Senator Hanson was right when she said last week: 'Stop voting for parties that are deliberately making your lives harder. Stop voting for the Liberal and Labor uniparty. In the next election you have a choice: One Nation or tyranny.'

At the end of May, at the annual World Health Assembly, the World Health Organization, the WHO, votes on amendments to their International Health Regulations. The United States' proposal, that Australia supported, was for 80 pages of changes that would turn the WHO into the world health police—80 pages! It proposed egregious powers to force vaccinations, force medical procedures, force lockdowns and border closures and allow detention without due process. Yes, Australia really supported that. Nations are, rightly, now pushing back. The proposal has been watered down and the regulations will likely remain advisory.

Here is the World Health Organization's problem: the World Health Organization's constitution and its own international health regulations now prohibit the vote. Schedule 2, article 55 of the International Health Regulations requires all matters being voted to be circulated four months before. We are two months out and health department FOI No. 4941 reveals that the changes are still being worked out. The requirement for advance notification to allow member nations full time to debate and decide has not been met and now cannot be met. Secondly, article 21 of the WHO's constitution says the regulations can cover only international measures. The WHO constitution does not provide for expanding the International Health Regulations to cover our own Australian domestic health response—for example, closing borders. May's vote is contrary to the WHO's constitution and proposes a scope outside the World Health Organization's constitution.

I asked the health minister to reconsider voting on the WHO changes because it will be challenged in the International Court of Justice under the WHO constitution's article 75.This government wants to sign away more of our sovereignty and health decisions to the murdering rapists under WHO's former terrorist leader, Tedros. The rule of law must apply to everyone, including the World Health Organization. (Time expired)


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