Senate debates

Wednesday, 27 March 2024

Questions without Notice: Take Note of Answers

Answers to Questions

3:07 pm

Photo of Louise PrattLouise Pratt (WA, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

Day after day we see those opposite coming here with their own flip-flopping and disorder, no plan and nothing but a contribution that amounts to their own chaos. They have no plan when they come in here other than to inflict chaos in their own debate. Far from a real policy critique, we had a discussion of flip-flops in the Kmart section. This is not substantive policy critique on the real issues facing Australians. But as a mature and orderly government, under Anthony Albanese—in the question asked by Senator Cash, Senator Cash quoted the Prime Minister in November 2022 as saying just that. But personally I have heard the Prime Minister make that very same statement dozens of times, rightfully so, since that time.

Every time I see and meet with the Prime Minister and the cabinet, be that in the caucus meeting, out in the community, in the parliament and electorates, in every place where we see him and the government, we see a laserlike focus on the cost of living, wages, controlling inflation, the cost of medication, bringing the cost of visiting a doctor down, our energy rebates, education. Whether it's the religious freedom debate, education, cars or energy, we are working through the significant issues that confront out nation. We're bringing them forward and bringing the Australian people with us. We are deliberating carefully through orderly processes, which, quite often, those opposite don't want to come to the party on. When it comes to a mature and orderly government dealing with the issue of religious discrimination, for example, it will be much more orderly if Mr Dutton comes to the party in having a real discussion with government about what we can agree on. Whether it is the cost-of-living summit, tax cuts, energy, Medicare, cheaper medicines, the energy transition or delivering the first budget surplus in many years, we take these decisions carefully. They are methodical decisions that are well deliberated on.

Day after day, we come into this place dedicated to and focused on delivering outcomes for the Australian people, despite the fact that what we are rewarded with from those opposite, in their representation of the Australian people, is references to flip-flops from Kmart, disorder and chaos. There's no plan and no alternative policy agenda, just the usual politics that we see from those opposite, seeking to promulgate chaos and division. It is their core political tactic, and it is a far cry from the level of policy critique and debate that our nation deserves. Frankly, all governments benefit from policy critique when they have a good opposition that is deeply involved in the policy discussions and debate, able to mount a clear alternative policy and able to debate the issues before the Australian people. But, no, all those opposite do is oppose and divide.

Here in this place today I want to recognise that— (Time expired)


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