Senate debates

Wednesday, 27 March 2024

Questions without Notice

Labor Government

2:00 pm

Photo of Penny WongPenny Wong (SA, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Foreign Affairs) Share this | Hansard source

Thank you, President. As I said, it does say something, doesn't it, when you have the Dutton opposition lining up with Mr Bandt and Senator Cash lining up with Senator Shoebridge in order to fail to ensure that Australians are kept safe. So let us be clear, because I know there are those who are more sensible on that side—I know there are—that what Senator Cash and Mr Dutton, in their desire to team up with the Greens, have done is make sure you are standing in the way of us making Australians safer. That is what you are doing. So I want to be crystal clear about this.

You can yell all you like, Senator Cash, but this opposition, led by Mr Dutton and pressed by Senator Cash—I know there are others on your side, because of conversations that were had, who were more sensible. I know that you are standing in the way because you think you will win a political fight of Australians being safer. So let us be clear: that is what you are doing. And after you get out of this place and after all of fire and the victory with the Greens has faded, the hard reality is that the Liberal Party and the National Party are standing in the way of Australians being more safe. (Time expired)


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