Senate debates

Wednesday, 27 March 2024

Questions without Notice


2:20 pm

Photo of Penny WongPenny Wong (SA, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Foreign Affairs) Share this | Hansard source

First, I want to say that we on this side absolutely and clearly understand that so many Australians are doing it tough, which is why we were so clear about the importance of putting in place a tax package which delivered a tax cut to every Australian taxpayer and delivered more to working families and to people on average incomes—something that you are still complaining about. We understand that Australians are doing it tough, which is why we wanted to put in place energy price relief, and we were opposed in that by you. We understand Australians are doing it tough, which is why we believe that people on minimum wages should have a wage increase—also opposed by you. We know Australians are doing it tough, which is why we wanted cheaper child care and fee-free TAFE and to strengthen Medicare and to strengthen bulk-billing and all of the measures that we have in place. Instead, what we are met with is continued opposition by those opposite. They are crocodile tears which are being cried on the other side. (Time expired)


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