Senate debates

Tuesday, 14 May 2024

Questions without Notice

International Relations: Australia and China

2:01 pm

Photo of Penny WongPenny Wong (SA, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Foreign Affairs) Share this | Hansard source

Thank you to Senator Birmingham for the question. The Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister and I have been very clear publicly about the unacceptable and unsafe conduct which took place while the Australian Defence Force was contributing to international efforts to enforce UN Security Council sanctions against North Korea. My recollection is—and I will check this—that the Deputy Prime Minister made public Australia's concerns on the day that we were advised of this incident. But I will check the precise date.

I want to make some broader points about what messages we have been clear about with the Chinese foreign minister and the Chinese government. When I engaged with the Chinese foreign minister, Wang Yi, as well as Minister Liu, I made clear two points. One was that Australia will continue to operate in international airspace and international waters in accordance with international law. The second point I made clear is that we will continue to express our concerns about unacceptable conduct. I'd also make the point that, unlike Mr Dutton, we're not just talking about this; we are doing it. In addition to transits and sanctions enforcement, you would be aware, Senator Birmingham, that we recently conducted joint sails with Japan, the Philippines and the United States for the first time.

I again express publicly our concern at this incident and our care for the safety of Australian personnel who were operating in accordance with UN Security Council sanctions against North Korea. We would continue to urge that all militaries in the region, including the PLA, operate safety and— (Time expired)


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