Senate debates

Tuesday, 14 May 2024


National Disability Insurance Scheme; Order for the Production of Documents

12:13 pm

Photo of Linda ReynoldsLinda Reynolds (WA, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source

Exactly. In the manual, yes. I'm sure we'll come to the detail of this manual.

At the last estimates, we saw the farce. The second-quarter report was well overdue. The CEO had a copy on a laptop; the minister in this building had a copy, but they didn't want to release it. And guess what? They released it the very next morning so that it could not be looked at in detail in terms of the Senate. They're doing the same thing again. The 42 days are up. The ministers all have it, but I bet you anything that they will not release the third-quarter report until after the next estimates. Shame on them.

In the minute that I've got left, let me address this legislation. As I said, it's one of the worst pieces of legislation I have seen, and it's going to attempt to give the minister God powers that we would never, in a million years, have even thought to request on behalf of the minister. It is putting far too much into delegated legislation, of which there is no detail yet. 'Trust us. Trust Bill Shorten. Trust the Labor Party. We'll fill it all in later, and I'll use this power wisely.' Well, you haven't so far, not for two years. Not only that; it continues the complete lack of transparency.

Senator Steele-John asked this chamber how much they're going to cut from participant plans. Well, according to the budget, it's $19 billion, Senator Steele-John, over the forward estimates.


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