Senate debates

Tuesday, 14 May 2024

Questions without Notice

Manufacturing Industry

2:51 pm

Photo of Don FarrellDon Farrell (SA, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Trade and Tourism) Share this | Hansard source

I thank Senator Green for her question. The Albanese Labor government is preparing for the opportunities of the future and wants to ensure that all Australians benefit. Too many times we've seen Australian know-how and Australian resources used to create jobs and opportunities for other countries. We need to help industries grow and create the conditions that they need to thrive locally.

Just a few weeks ago, the government made a major investment in technology in Queensland. Around the world, Australians are leading the charge on quantum technologies, and this government is committed to ensuring the future of quantum happens here in Australia. That's why the Albanese government is investing $470 million in PsiQuantum to ensure their next phase of growth happens right here in Australia. This will create 400 new jobs in Brisbane, directly at PsiQuantum, and countless more as our quantum ecosystem evolves and grows. We are building manufacturing—

I am! I'm doing that exactly, Senator Birmingham. We're also building manufacturing opportunities for the future, helping Australia achieve its potential as a renewable energy superpower.

Last month, also in Queensland, that very fine minister, Minister Husic, attended the launch of the new Fortescue hydrogen electrolyser advanced facility. The facility—

An honourable senator interjecting—

Yes—an advanced facility. The facility will produce green hydrogen electrolysers at an industrial scale. This project is strengthening the nation's manufacturing capability and creating new well-paid jobs. (Time expired)


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