Senate debates

Wednesday, 15 May 2024

Questions without Notice


2:56 pm

Photo of Katy GallagherKaty Gallagher (ACT, Australian Labor Party, Minister for the Public Service) Share this | Hansard source

Again, Senator Davey uses the $300 billion figure. So you are not going to index the age pension, then? You see that as wasteful spending? You're not going to make sure that veterans get their compensation? You see that as wasteful spending? You're not going to index other payments and income supports? You know how big they are in the budget, so you go out and you try and incorrectly accuse us of allocating new spending in that area, when you know exactly what that means. If Mr Dutton uses that figure tomorrow night, we know that you are not going to index age pensions, and we will be making it clear to every age pensioner that you see that—

Well, be accountable for the figures you use, Senator Birmingham. If you're going to use that figure, then it is clear that you do not support indexation of payments. Inflation is moderating. Real spending growth is half of what it was under your government. We have lower debt. Our interest on our debt is lower. We've had a surplus and we are shooting for a second. All of that shows exactly how responsible we've been with the budget and shown restraint but how we've also been able to find room for priorities. I know you don't support them all, but these are priorities that we believe are the right decisions for people's cost-of-living pressures right now and to put down the foundations for growth into the future.


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