Senate debates

Wednesday, 15 May 2024


Esso/ExxonMobil West Kingfish Pipeline Rupture; Order for the Production of Documents

3:53 pm

Photo of Peter Whish-WilsonPeter Whish-Wilson (Tasmania, Australian Greens) Share this | Hansard source

by leave—I move:

That there be laid on the table by the Minister representing the Minister for Resources and the Minister representing the Minister for the Environment and Water, by no later than 10 am on Tuesday, 28 May 2024:

(a) any email communication and documentation, including images, spill modelling graphs and written briefings, provided to the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA) by the Australian Marine Oil Spill Centre related to the Esso/ExxonMobil West Kingfish pipeline rupture in Bass Strait first reported on 6 April 2024; and

(b) any email communication, written documentation, briefing notes and images provided to the Office of the Minister for Resources and/or the Minister for the Environment and Water by NOPSEMA related to the West Kingfish Esso/ExxonMobil pipeline rupture in Bass Strait first reported on 6 April 2024.

Question agreed to.


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