Senate debates

Wednesday, 15 May 2024

Matters of Public Importance


4:24 pm

Photo of Malcolm RobertsMalcolm Roberts (Queensland, Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party) Share this | Hansard source

Here are things you won't hear from anyone in the budget, except for One Nation because we've got the guts to say what you're thinking.

Firstly, guarantee cheap power—turn the coal-fired power stations back on, build more coal-fired power stations, and remove solar and wind subsidies. It's the only thing that can save us right now. Secondly, stop inflation. Stop quantitative easing—printing excess money. A trillion dollars was concocted during the COVID response, which is a major cause of the inflation we're still fighting today. Thirdly, we'll guarantee cheaper houses, cheaper rents and get young people into their first home. Don't just cut net overseas migration: start deporting. Prior to COVID, there were 1.9 million visa holders who needed housing and who were fighting Australians for a roof over their heads. That has increased to 2.3 million today, plus 400,000 tourists and others. Ten per cent of our population is on visas and needs extra housing. We will ban foreigners from buying Australian property. They're currently snapping up nearly one in 10 new Aussie homes.

Fourthly, get cheaper groceries—build dams and help farmers produce tonnes of fresh, healthy produce for Australians. Give farmers water and the right to use their land, and we'll never have to worry about grocery bills again. Fifth, use all of our natural resources we have right here for Australians first. There's no need to become a green superpower, and we never will. We're already an oil, gas, coal and uranium superpower. The government won't do this because some foreign, unelected organisation in Zurich or New York will claim that we're not complying with our international obligations.

Governments on both sides have forgotten that their first obligation is to Australians and no-one else. One Nation knows this. We'll put our trust in Australia's people and release them from the nanny state that tells them everything they can and can't do, which will enable people to abound and flourish. That's our promise of what would be a One Nation budget. We will always remind members of parliament to put Australians first.


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