Senate debates

Wednesday, 15 May 2024

Statements by Senators

Digital ID Bill 2024

1:40 pm

Photo of Pauline HansonPauline Hanson (Queensland, Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party) Share this | Hansard source

The Australian people have spoken on Labor's dystopian digital ID legislation and firmly rejected it. Tomorrow I will table a petition signed by 65,724 people calling on the Senate to repeal this insidious legislation. I want to express my thanks and admiration for those Australians standing up for their privacy rights and the individual freedoms that this legislation seeks to undermine.

I also want to acknowledge the courage of thousands of Australians who gathered in cities around the country on 5 May to protest this legislation. In contrast to the hatred and violence of the useful idiots on university campuses, these protests were peaceful and orderly, and they stood for Australian values rather than the genocide of Israelis.

One Nation is committed to the repeal of this legislation—effectively, a joint effort by Labor and the coalition to monitor and control the Australian people. We know that the former coalition government spent about $600 million preparing for the national digital ID system. Shame! We know Labor has allocated another $288 million in the budget.

We know this bill was rushed through the Senate with no debate and no scrutiny. We can safely predict that it will sail through the House of Representatives, perhaps even today. We know Labor says it will be voluntary, but we also know that this is a lie because the bill has provisions to make it mandatory in several circumstances. But, thanks to this petition, we also know that many Australians are opposed to it, and I call on the Senate to act accordingly.


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