Senate debates

Wednesday, 15 May 2024

Questions without Notice


2:13 pm

Photo of Katy GallagherKaty Gallagher (ACT, Australian Labor Party, Minister for the Public Service) Share this | Hansard source

What the Australian people have got with the election of an Albanese Labor government is a government that's not only directly focused on cost-of-living pressures for them but also dealing with the challenges that were ignored by those opposite for a decade.

So we're dealing with issues like housing. We're dealing with energy policy. We're dealing with the net zero transformation. At the same time we're doing all of that—something that those opposite couldn't even reach agreement on themselves let alone lead a policy discussion on across the country—we're investing in the care economy, we're investing in universities and future skills and we're investing in women—remember that little problem? Remember that problem where women felt completely abandoned by the former government? We're dealing with issues like that.

So, when you talk about all the spending that we shouldn't be doing, is it the investment in women's safety that we shouldn't be doing? The leaving violence payment that you only funded for two years: is it that we shouldn't be funding? Should we not be putting super on PPL? Is that an area that you wouldn't prioritise? We are building in substantial support for people, not only so that it assists them in their pockets—


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