Senate debates

Thursday, 16 May 2024


New Caledonia

2:02 pm

Photo of Simon BirminghamSimon Birmingham (SA, Liberal Party, Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs) Share this | Hansard source

on indulgence—I rise to associate the opposition with the remarks of Senator Wong to encourage calm and a return to peace in New Caledonia as soon as possible. New Caledonia is an important part of our Pacific family. It is a most beautiful part of the world, with beautiful people with whom Australia shares a special relationship. We remain concerned by the present situation and by the distress faced by many in New Caledonia. We urge those responsible for violence and disruption to cease and cooperate with law enforcement and for negotiation to ensure resolution of the issues before them.

We echo the remarks of the government, in relation to Australians who are considering travel, about the need to reconsider, follow travel advice on Smartraveller and use the emergency contact information provided. We also extend our thanks and acknowledgement to Australian officials working in New Caledonia and others who are engaged in supporting Australians or other foreign nationals there and trying to achieve peace in the situation.


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