Senate debates

Thursday, 16 May 2024

Questions without Notice

Tertiary Education

2:34 pm

Photo of Tammy TyrrellTammy Tyrrell (Tasmania, Jacqui Lambie Network) Share this | Hansard source

My question is for the Minister representing the Minister for Education, Senator Watt. This week's budget announced payments for students doing mandatory practical placements in teaching, nursing, midwifery and social work courses. Students have told me how hard it is for them to take on these mandatory placements, which can see them do months of work for no money. They're forced to choose between finishing their degree and paying their rent. But this policy doesn't do anything to trim the amount of government money going to universities for placement units. Minister, why does your paid placement policy ask taxpayers to pay for student training yet doesn't put any of the responsibility on the universities?


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