Senate debates

Thursday, 16 May 2024

Questions without Notice


3:06 pm

Photo of Murray WattMurray Watt (Queensland, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry) Share this | Hansard source

Senator Ghosh, I actually am surprised you had to ask that question, because those barriers are sitting right in front of you—from about there right through to about there. That's where all the barriers are for the cost-of-living question.

Our plan to combat the cost of living is putting downward pressure on inflation and helping working Australians right now. I've spent the last few months, as I know many of my colleagues, including Senator Ghosh, have been, going around the country meeting with workers, with farmers and with business owners, and searching far and wide for one single idea of what Mr Dutton stands for.

I was in Armidale recently, in the electorate of Mr Joyce, where the mayor of the town in his own electorate is backing a number of renewable projects in the region. But could I find any hint of a plan from Mr Dutton? None whatsoever. Last week I was at the beef exhibition, with every member of the National Party and a few of my own colleagues in Rockhampton, and I bumped into Mr Dutton in a brand-new checked blazer from Mitchell Ogilvie in Brisbane—all $5,000 worth—but could I find evidence of a plan? No. Tonight is the night. Tell us what your plan is.


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