Senate debates

Thursday, 16 May 2024


Consideration of Legislation

3:29 pm

Photo of Susan McDonaldSusan McDonald (Queensland, National Party, Shadow Minister for Resources) Share this | Hansard source

This is just a ridiculous motion. I'm sorry to say, Senator, that you have been wildly misled and are misleading in your comments, because, in the 2022-23 year, $1.85 billion was paid in PRRT. That's with a 'b', not an 'm'—$1.85 billion. That's still at a time when that is a lot of money. That's from the PRRT around the country. That's because the PRRT, if you understand it, is a delayed depreciation mechanism. If you don't explain the full tax system, then you are potentially leaving Australians not fully informed, and that has got to be one of our singular roles in this place.

We have seen a dirty deal between Labor and the Greens this afternoon, with their terrible guillotine measures, that is managing to throw the car industry and the gas industry under the bus. It is the lack of proper examination of legislation in this place that leads to senators not understanding the way the PRRT works and not understanding how the LNG system works.

This is a complete backflip on Labor's own strategy, because it was only a week ago that they announced a key tenet of the Future Gas Strategy, yet here we are, a week later—showing that you can't trust their word. You can't follow through on what Labor will say on gas last week and what they will say on gas today. The government is all talk on future manufacturing, future energy supply and future energy prices, but no action.

Today the Prime Minister and his cabinet have capitulated to noisy backbenchers and to the Greens. And it seems there is no Labor Minister for Resources any more. The deals that we're seeing this afternoon just confirm that Albanese has actually appointed Adam Bandt into the Labor cabinet as the resources minister. This is new news, I think, to most of Australia, handing the keys—


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