Senate debates

Thursday, 16 May 2024



11:55 am

Photo of Bridget McKenzieBridget McKenzie (Victoria, National Party, Shadow Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development) Share this | Hansard source

Here we are in a budget week, and we could be in Moscow or we could be in any other communist country. You've seen the green bells for the other place ringing all morning. And why was the House of Reps voting all morning? It was to shut down debate on the new vehicle efficiency standard so that no-one in that chamber who is supporting the bill or not supporting the bill could have their say. And here we are again, with the Labor Party putting this bill into their guillotine motion so that no-one in this chamber gets to have a say on the biggest change to our transport sector since we got rid of the horse and cart. This is what weak leaders do when they are afraid. They're afraid of dissent, afraid of different ideas, and it's so typical that they got into bed with the Greens. (Time expired)


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