Senate debates

Thursday, 16 May 2024


Middle East

12:41 pm

Photo of Lidia ThorpeLidia Thorpe (Victoria, Independent) Share this | Hansard source

You're all complicit in genocide, for these figures are only the tip of the iceberg. They do not account for the full scale of weapons, military goods and equipment that travel from Australia to Israel, and likely do not include military equipment exported indirectly through third parties. They also do not include the supply of weapons parts manufactured in Australia, without which these weapons could not be used to kill innocent civilians. Shame! There is blood on your hands.

Yesterday was Nakba Day. It's their Invasion Day—you know, what you were also all complicit in: the genocide of First Peoples in this country. It was Nakba Day. There is a clear genocidal campaign happening, and it's intended to complete Nakba. It's intended for Israel to wipe the land of its people.

For centuries, private companies have played central roles in fuelling colonial invasions, going all the way back to the British East India Company, which fuelled the British empire's invasion of lands all over the globe. It became a hugely wealthy and powerful company on the back of this invasion.

Multinational weapons companies have offices and factories all over the world, including in this country. They make millions profiting off massacres, like you all profit off the massacres of my people here, and supply invaders with bombs and weapons used to kill innocent civilians and expand their illegal occupations. Does that sound familiar?

As Palestinian professor Mazin Qumsiyeh said, 'There are many parallels between the genocide'— (Time expired)


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