Senate debates

Monday, 24 June 2024

Matters of Public Importance


5:02 pm

Photo of Malcolm RobertsMalcolm Roberts (Queensland, Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party) Share this | Hansard source

Labor, the Greens, the paid-off media and climate activists are all fighting tooth and nail against nuclear. You can hear them screaming so loudly because reliable baseload power is a massive threat to the billionaire solar and wind cartel. Both sides of politics have, for more than two decades, mismanaged energy so grossly that we've caused an energy crisis that Australia is now facing down. One Nation congratulates the coalition on agreeing with One Nation's longstanding policy to remove the ban on nuclear energy and have a debate about where it sits in our energy needs. We can only hope that One Nation's full policy is adopted one day: remove all the subsidies and let the cheapest form of power win so we can put more money back in Australians' pockets.

There's no reason that we need to forcibly shut down coal to put nuclear in the mix. The coalition plan is to forcibly acquire coal-fired power stations, shut them down and replace them with nuclear. Let's do nuclear, and let's do coal too. One of those coal-fired power stations the coalition wants to shut down is at Tarong. I visited there on Friday. It sits right on top of a coal mine. Coal is dug out of the ground and put on a conveyor belt straight into the power station with minimal transport costs. What more could you ask for? We've got 40 years of real-world costs on the Tarong stations, and it's as cheap as chips. It uses high-energy-density fuel. Why tear down Tarong and replace it with nuclear based on projections—or worse, solar and wind based on unicorn farts? Instead, just build another coal-fired power station right there at Tarong beside it and use the same power.

The coalition can't do that, because it's fully committed to the United Nations net zero madness, a catastrophic nightmare in the making, and we haven't seen anything yet. We've got these people in the government putting on benefits to energy policy because of the rising cost due to their policy. Only One Nation will say, 'up yours!' to foreign unelected organisations telling us what to do and instead use Australia's coal and uranium resources for the cheapest power possible.


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