Senate debates

Monday, 24 June 2024

Matters of Public Importance


5:09 pm

Steph Hodgins-May (Victoria, Australian Greens) Share this | Hansard source

I remind the chamber that this is not my first speech. The coalition's plan to invest in nuclear power is pure fantasy. Victorians do not want a nuclear fantasy that will cost billions. Victorians do not want more polluting coal and gas. What Victorians do want is clean, cheap, renewable energy now. Let's be clear: nuclear is a dangerous distraction from the Liberal and Labor push to open up more coal and gas mines. Both major parties benefit from this fake debate about building nuclear power stations that won't be ready for decades. Meanwhile, the climate crisis deepens, extreme weather worsens and our community suffer. I'm hearing from people right across Victoria who are strongly opposed to this nuclear fantasy. As one constituent put it, 'The Latrobe Valley doesn't have time to wait for jobs; we need them now.' Fortunately, the renewable energy sector is currently generating jobs and fostering hope throughout Gippsland. For the Greens and millions of Australians who want this stuff sorted, the answers are crystal clear: keep coal, gas and uranium in the ground. (Time expired)


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