Senate debates

Monday, 24 June 2024


Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee; Reference

6:27 pm

Photo of Hollie HughesHollie Hughes (NSW, Liberal Party, Shadow Assistant Minister for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention) Share this | Hansard source

Interpretive dance? I look forward to that, Senator Cadell. I think you and I could come up with some very good choreography there. I think it would be quite the spectacle. Who is going to go out and talk to these communities? Who is going to talk to Indigenous communities whose cultural heritage sites are about to be demolished? Who is going to talk to communities whose arable farmland is going to be destroyed by solar farms and wind turbines? Who is going to have a conversation about where all the waste is going to be buried at the end of the life span of these renewable projects, which have, by the way, on a nice day—I am being kind—about a third of the life span of a nuclear power plant.

We know the new climate change tsar. I saw today that the incoming Chair of the Climate Change Authority is former Treasurer of New South Wales and federal New South Wales division colleague—know how much I'm loving on them. But they make such good choices—solid choices! A couple of years ago, Mr Kean was claiming nuclear was deadset going to be part of the future. He was actually saying that one of the reasons he didn't think it could be part of the future was that he really didn't understand the small modular nuclear reactors and how they were going to work. But now, he's saying, 'No, no, no—no nuclear,' even though they're in operation in so many other advanced economies around the world. He's saying, 'No, no, no, we can't have that, but we're going to chase green hydrogen.' We're not even just chasing hydrogen anymore; we've had to go up a level. We've had to go green hydrogen, which has delivered nothing.

Just step up, Greens. Just come and join the party. Get an inquiry. We know the Labor Party is going to oppose it, but come over and sit with us and say: 'How do you do? Let's get an inquiry. Let's go save those koalas. Let's make sure that we're not going to use landfill for all this used renewable stuff, and make sure we're actually going to have some sort of oversight of these renewables project and know that in 20 years or 15 years, we're not going to be stuck with where we put them.


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