Senate debates

Monday, 24 June 2024

Statements by Senators

Lawrence, Mr Mick

1:46 pm

Photo of Peter Whish-WilsonPeter Whish-Wilson (Tasmania, Australian Greens) Share this | Hansard source

Today, in the Australian Senate, I take note of the sad passing of Mick Lawrence, a venerable elder, leader and statesman amongst Tasmanian surfers. Mick passed away suddenly on Wednesday 12 June. He was a proud champion surfer, filmmaker, author, environmentalist, father, husband and so much more. Mick was also an inspiration. He was a surf pioneer, a president of professional sporting body Surfing Tasmania and marine conservation group Surfrider Foundation Tasmania. He was a mentor and true friend to so many young Tasmanians.

I first met Mick campaigning against the proposed Gunns pulp mill in Northern Tasmania that would have spewed 30 billion litres of toxic waste into the ocean every year. Mick, in recent years, championed many other environmental causes, including raising awareness of the pollution impacts on our waterways by the toxic industrial salmon farming industry and stopping dangerous seismic blasting and oil and gas drilling in our oceans. Mick's message—his leadership to myself and many others—was that his tribe, surfers, needed to stand up and be counted and needed to be vocal to protect our oceans and our coastlines.

My condolences to his wife, Robyn, family, friends and all those in the community who are mourning the loss of this magnificent man. The Tasmanian surfing community has, indeed, lost a legend—the father, the king of groms. Vale, Mick Lawrence.


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