Senate debates

Monday, 24 June 2024

Questions without Notice


2:18 pm

Photo of Penny WongPenny Wong (SA, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Foreign Affairs) Share this | Hansard source

Let's talk about what AEMO has said. Let's talk about the fact that AEMO, the Australian Energy Market Operator, has said that the lowest-cost plan for a reliable energy grid is Australia's world-leading renewables, like solar and wind, firmed with batteries, pumped hydro, flexible gas and transmission reform. That is AEMO's advice, but you don't want to listen to them. You want to go down some path that John Howard tried to go down over 20 years ago when he looked at how much a domestic nuclear industry would cost, and then prime minister Howard determined then that it would be too expensive and it would take too long.

Now Peter Dutton—here he is again!—is trying to come up with a plan that even John Howard rejected. (Time expired)


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