Senate debates

Monday, 24 June 2024

Questions without Notice


2:53 pm

Photo of Murray WattMurray Watt (Queensland, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry) Share this | Hansard source

This government's workplace relations agenda is helping Australians earn more and keep more of what they earn with secure jobs, better pay and safer workplaces. We're also addressing the pressures that people are facing at the check-out by strengthening the Food and Grocery Code of Conduct and establishing an ACCC review into supermarket behaviour. For too long we've seen big supermarkets take advantage of farmers right across the country, not provide them with a fair price, but then actually charge consumers much more than they're actually paying farmers. We're fixing this by making the code of conduct mandatory and by introducing fines of up to $10 million for each breach. The coalition, who claim to be the friends of farmers, had 10 years to fix this, but they did nothing. And when our lowest paid workers get a pay rise, Barnaby Joyce dismisses it as mere 'window-dressing'. Whether it's farmers or families, Peter Dutton and the coalition want Australians to work longer for less. Under Labor, Australians are earning more and keeping more of what they earn.


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