Senate debates

Tuesday, 25 June 2024

Statements by Senators


1:42 pm

Photo of Dean SmithDean Smith (WA, Liberal Party, Shadow Assistant Minister for Competition, Charities and Treasury) Share this | Hansard source

I was shocked and saddened to hear of a shocking incident just last week where a Tibetan community leader in Perth was assaulted—punched in the chest—after attempting to fly the Tibetan flag over the Great Eastern Highway in Perth. This is unacceptable behaviour in any context but especially so in this case considering this man, a Tibetan Australian, came to our country fleeing political persecution abroad, persecution that saw him imprisoned for no less than four years and subjected to torture and bashings. I must begin by wishing the victim, a person I know through my work with WA's multicultural communities and with the Parliamentary Friends of Tibet, a full and speedy recovery. I condemn this incident, as I know many in my home state of Western Australia will, whether they are Tibetan or otherwise.

Any person who comes to Australia seeking safety and liberty should be confident they'll have it instead of being met with violence and intimidation. I know that all of us in this place are united in support for the preservation of every Australian's right to express their political views in peace and security. I also know that in this place we stand united with the cause of Tibetan people in exile and in Tibet. Regardless of where they sit on the political spectrum or what their views are, every citizen in Australia should be free and safe to speak their mind and engage in the political process—provided they remain peaceful and respectful, because we have seen protests elsewhere in Australia in recent months that regrettably have not been. Finally, to Western Australian and Australian Tibetans alike: know that you are welcome and supported here and a valued part of the wider Australian community.


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