Senate debates

Tuesday, 25 June 2024

Questions without Notice

Great Barrier Reef

2:20 pm

Photo of Penny WongPenny Wong (SA, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Foreign Affairs) Share this | Hansard source

I thank Senator Whish-Wilson for the question. He is right to raise again the issue of the Great Barrier Reef. We know that the biggest threat to reefs worldwide is climate change, and, obviously, the Great Barrier Reef is one. It's an extraordinary reef, but there are many coral reefs around the world which are feeling the effects of climate change and are at risk of further damage as a consequence.

The Australian government and the Queensland government have welcomed UNESCO's latest draft decision on the Great Barrier Reef. It's a huge win for Queensland, a huge win for the thousands of people who rely on the reef for work, and a huge win for all the plants and animals that call it home. I acknowledge the work of Senator Green as our envoy for the reef and for the work that she has done with communities and more broadly.


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