Senate debates

Tuesday, 25 June 2024

Questions without Notice


2:29 pm

Photo of Penny WongPenny Wong (SA, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Foreign Affairs) Share this | Hansard source

Thank you, Senator Pratt. The Albanese government's energy plan is the best way to deliver cheaper, cleaner and more reliable energy. What we know about Minister Dutton's plan is it's too slow to keep the lights on, too expensive to build and too risky for Australia's energy needs. Since we have come to office, renewable generation in the National Electricity Market has increased by 25 per cent. That's a result of certainty for investors and industry. Even Senator Birmingham said last week, 'There is absolutely a place for large-scale renewables; it's an important part of the mix.' Of course, the day before, Mr Littleproud had said the opposite.

As I said, 24 out of 28 coal-fired power stations announced their closure under you, and you did nothing, and you still haven't learned. You're putting forward a policy too slow to keep the lights on, too expensive to build and too risky for Australia's energy needs.


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