Senate debates

Wednesday, 26 June 2024


Therapeutic Goods and Other Legislation Amendment (Vaping Reforms) Bill 2024; In Committee

11:27 am

Photo of Anne RustonAnne Ruston (SA, Liberal Party, Shadow Minister for Health and Aged Care) Share this | Hansard source

No, I stopped halfway through it.

But circling back, I'm really interested to understand how much thought has been put into the logistics of applying this policy in practical terms in a pharmacy. It's my understanding that e-cigarette products must not be visible to the public from anywhere inside or outside a retail shop. You can temporarily open a storage unit if a customer asks for a specified e-cigarette. What are the provisions, the discussions with pharmacy, around making sure they have these particular storage units? I understand we're going to stay with the prescription-only model until October. But, as of October, who will be required to pay for these? And what consideration or consultation has been undertaken with pharmacies as to how they are physically supposed to be locating these? Also, could I seek some confirmation—previously you said it would be up to the discretion of the pharmacist as to how they stocked and displayed vapes in their store, yet it seems quite clear from this that pharmacies, or anyone, have a requirement for them to not be visible to the public.


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