Senate debates

Wednesday, 26 June 2024


Governor-General Amendment (Salary) Bill 2024; First Reading

10:04 am

Photo of Jenny McAllisterJenny McAllister (NSW, Australian Labor Party, Assistant Minister for Climate Change and Energy) Share this | Hansard source

I move:

That this bill may proceed without formalities and be now read a first time.

Question agreed to.

Bill read a first time.

by leave—I move:

That the provisions of paragraphs (5) to (8) of standing order 111 not apply to the bill, allowing it to be considered during this period of sittings.

I table a statement of reasons justifying the need for this bill to be considered during these sittings and seek leave to have the statement incorporated into Hansard.

Leave granted.

The statement read as follows—

Purpose of the Bill

This bill sets the salary for the incoming Governor-General.

Reasons for Urgency

The Prime Minister has announced that His Majesty The King approved the appointment of Ms Samantha Mostyn AC as Australia's next Governor-General and she will be sworn-in on 1 July 2024.

The salary of the Governor-General is prescribed in the Governor-General Act 1974 and, by operation of section 3 of the Constitution, cannot be varied during the Governor-General's term in office.

In line with convention, the Governor-General's salary has been calculated to moderately exceed the estimated average salary of the Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia over the notional term of the appointment.

To enable the salary to be set in time, the Governor-General Amendment Bill must pass both Houses and receive Royal Assent before Ms Mostyn assumes office on 1 July 2024.

Question agreed to.


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