Senate debates

Wednesday, 26 June 2024

Statements by Senators

Fraser, Mr Andrew Raymond Gordon, Cameron, Mr John, AM

1:55 pm

Photo of Ross CadellRoss Cadell (NSW, National Party) Share this | Hansard source

There are many big issues here today. On a bit of indulgence, I want to do some thanking. The New South Wales Nationals held their party conference in Wagga Wagga just last weekend, in the lead-up to it. We saw the end of a five-year career for our president and a slightly longer one for our treasurer. Our chairman, Andrew Fraser, is limited to a five-year term, and he stepped out to make way for the new chair, Rick Colless. But I would like to thank Andrew for all the work he has done. Everyone in this chamber relies on a party network. There are paid employees and secretariats in head offices, but there are volunteers that do this for nothing—that give their time and give their service in the interest of their country for very little.

Andrew is a person of service—he has always been that. He was Deputy Leader of the New South Wales Nationals in 2007. He's in groups such as the freemasons, working hard in there, and has done quite well. He's somewhat famous for his actions in the New South Wales parliament—we won't touch on that too much. He has three loves in his life—that is, Kerrie, his wife, the National Party and Bonville golf course. He was spending less time on one and more time on the other—be careful what you say there! I'd like to thank Andrew for everything he has done. I wouldn't be here without him. So many Nationals wouldn't be here without him. So many senators wouldn't be here without that volunteer service of their party officials.

The other person is John Cameron, our treasurer. John has been there for a long time. I enjoyed John's time immensely when I was the state director of the party. I enjoyed sipping a red and waiting for an auction to come on so that the Nationals could get back a bit of property ownership as an investment tool. As the auction went on for longer and the wine bottle got replaced, we maybe bid a bit too much on that, John. It was a good night with Bede Burke and I. But the Nationals are back in property ownership, returning money for our members. You have always been there. You have kept the party on a steady path of fiscal responsibility so we are always well placed for elections and always well placed to look after our members.

I thank you both. I thank you for what you have done for me, I thank you for what you have done for the party and I thank you for what you have done for your communities.


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