Senate debates

Wednesday, 26 June 2024

Questions without Notice


2:07 pm

Photo of Penny WongPenny Wong (SA, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Foreign Affairs) Share this | Hansard source

I thank Senator Grogan, my fellow South Australian senator, for that question. What I would say to her is this: in just five days time, all Australian taxpayers will get a tax cut. All Australian taxpayers will get a tax cut in just five days time—not just some Australian taxpayers, as those opposite had intended—because those of us on this side want Australians to earn more and to keep more of what they earn.

From Monday, every teacher will pay less tax. Every nurse, farmer, dentist, chef, bus driver and accountant—they will all pay less tax. That's 13.6 million Australians, and, better yet, 11.5 million will get a bigger tax cut, compared with what those opposite proposed. Our teachers, who we are so reliant on, educating the next generation: 98 per cent of primary school teachers and 97 per cent of secondary school teachers across Australia will be better off under our package. Our hospitality workers: 97 per cent of the chefs working across Australia will get a bigger tax cut. Ninety-five per cent of sales assistants will get a bigger tax cut. Receptionists: 96 per cent of them will get a bigger tax cut. Senator Sterle, 97 per cent of truck drivers will be better off. Senator Sheldon, 91 per cent of electricians will be better off. Cleaners—for the UWU members: 96 per cent of cleaners will be better off under our tax cuts. Those opposite don't understand the importance of providing cost-of-living relief to Australians who are doing it tough. That's what this government is doing.


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