Senate debates

Wednesday, 26 June 2024

Questions without Notice

Assange, Mr Julian Paul

2:48 pm

Photo of Penny WongPenny Wong (SA, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Foreign Affairs) Share this | Hansard source

Thank you, Senator Ghosh. Senator Ghosh, as a very credentialled lawyer, could probably explain much more clearly than I the details of the US legal system, but I will do my best. What I would say is that Mr Assange's case has dragged on for too long and he should return home to Australia. That has been the position I have articulated in this chamber and publicly and that the Prime Minister has articulated very clearly publicly. I am pleased to say that earlier today a plea arrangement between Mr Assange and the United States Department of Justice was finalised in Saipan. It ends a long-running judicial process in the United Kingdom, and Mr Assange is now on his way home to Australia and his family.

These are obviously welcome developments, but this is not something that has happened just in the last 24 hours. It has taken a careful, patient and determined approach. It has been complex work and it has been considered work. The Prime Minister, the Attorney-General and I have consistently advocated for Mr Assange's case to be brought to a conclusion. Earlier today, Mr Assange's lawyer, Ms Jennifer Robinson, remarked on the Prime Minister's role in this, thanking him for his statesmanship, his principled leadership and his diplomacy, which made this outcome possible.

The Prime Minister was foremost in Australia's efforts. He was ably supported by Australian officials, including by our ambassador to the United States, Mr Rudd, and by our high commissioner to the United Kingdom, Mr Stephen Smith, who have worked over many months to make today's outcome possible. I publicly express our appreciation to the United States and to the United Kingdom for their efforts to find a pathway that met the interests of all parties. We will continue to provide consular assistance to Mr Assange, and I want to recognise the efforts of DFAT and other government officials who have worked with Mr Assange and his legal team to ensure his smooth return to Australia this evening. (Time expired)


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