Senate debates

Wednesday, 26 June 2024

Matters of Urgency

Nuclear Energy

4:20 pm

Photo of Sarah Hanson-YoungSarah Hanson-Young (SA, Australian Greens) Share this | Hansard source

This is a dangerous lie from Mr Peter Dutton, the Leader of the Opposition, and the Liberals. It's a lie designed to wreck climate action, to put a radioactive wrecking ball through the economy, to push up power prices and to run cover for the coal and gas industries so they can keep burning for longer. There is nothing in this dangerous ploy of Mr Dutton's that in any way helps tackle climate change. In fact, it comes off the back of Mr Dutton dumping climate targets for 2030 only a few weeks ago, following the lead of Donald Trump, and now we have Mr Dutton wanting to build radioactive power plants across the country in decades to come, all at huge expense to the Australian taxpayer and all designed to halt and throw into disarray the climate action and renewable energy sector.

For South Australians, this radioactive, toxic, dangerous plan of Mr Dutton's is obscene. Mr Dutton wants to build a radioactive reactor, a nuclear power plant, in South Australia, and then he wants South Australians to take everyone's nuclear waste from around the rest of the country. If you are a resident of the electorates of Sturt, Boothby, Adelaide or—dare I say it—Grey and you don't want Mr Dutton's toxic radioactive ploy, designed to put a wrecking ball through our South Australian economy, you can't vote for the Liberals this election.

The only thing Mr Dutton is offering is radioactive danger—a danger to the economy, a danger to people's power bills, a danger to our climate and a danger to the future of our state of South Australia. He has no plans for how he's going to pay for it, so he's going to make the taxpayer pay. He's got no plans for convincing business, because they don't want a bar of it. He's got no plans for how to deal with the waste, except for dumping it in South Australia for South Australians to cop. We will not have a bar of it.


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