Senate debates

Wednesday, 26 June 2024

Matters of Urgency

Nuclear Energy

4:23 pm

Photo of Slade BrockmanSlade Brockman (WA, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source

Canada, Senator Scarr! You're absolutely right. I have an article here from Canada. In fact, this article is only a couple of weeks old, Senator Scarr. The newly appointed minister for energy and electrification, Stephen Lecce, was actually on site where the first stage of the planned four small modular reactors was completed on time and on budget. The first stage of four small modular reactors was on time and on budget in the nation of the world that is most comparable to Australia in terms of our wealth, our technology, our can-do attitude and our ability to get things done when they need to get done. What those opposite are doing by spreading these silly, childish memes about nuclear energy is effectively saying: 'We are not as smart as the Canadians. We cannot do what the Canadians have done.'

Let's hear from Minister Lecce. Let's hear what he had to say at the announcement of the movement from the first to the second stage of building those four small modular reactors. He said:

I'm pleased to officially announce today that the first phase of site preparations work for the small modular reactor has been completed again on time and on budget.

He said:

To maintain this forward momentum, I am officially announcing the start of the next phase, phase two, as we work to build small modular reactors to energize our province, our country and literally the world.

He went on to say:

It was just a few a days ago after my appointment that I flew to Romania with one mission in mind: to secure a deal that will advance our economy, create jobs for our workers and further solidify Ontario as a global leader in clean energy and this work is critical.

What the minister is showing here is that Canada is not just doing something that is good for their own country and good for their own energy supply and energy resources. They are actually building an export industry that is in demand around the world.

Why is Canada doing this? Why are they embarking on this journey? The minister said:

The reality is we need more energy and the mission of government is to build upon Ontario's already ambitious plan to scale up our energy using all forms, be it nuclear and natural gas and renewables, where you need to take an all-of-the-above approach to build for the future.

I say again to those listening at home and those in the gallery: isn't that a sensible position that the Australian government should take rather than circulating pictures of three-headed fish—an all-of-the-above approach?

Those opposite say that we are living in fantasyland. This is a project that is underway in a comparable country to ours. This is a project where ground is not even being broken; stage 1 is finished. Stage 2 is getting underway. They expect to deliver power from these small modular reactors in 2028. This is not a pie-in-the-sky fantasy; this is a discussion the Australian community needs to have.


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