Senate debates

Wednesday, 26 June 2024


Therapeutic Goods and Other Legislation Amendment (Vaping Reforms) Bill 2024; In Committee

11:21 am

Photo of Malarndirri McCarthyMalarndirri McCarthy (NT, Australian Labor Party, Assistant Minister for Indigenous Australians) Share this | Hansard source

As I've said here this morning, we are leaving it to pharmacies to use their discretion as to whether they wish to go down this path in adhering to the laws that we'd like to pass here for the general safety and wellbeing of our children across Australia. Clearly there will always be different points of view, but I would encourage pharmacists who are listening across the country, to please get on board and assist our government to go ahead with this world-leading piece of legislation that will make a difference to the lives of families across our country.


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