Senate debates

Thursday, 27 June 2024

Questions without Notice

Migration Amendment (Removal and Other Measures) Bill 2024

2:18 pm

Photo of Murray WattMurray Watt (Queensland, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry) Share this | Hansard source

Of course, I reject the proposition that's being put forward by Senator Shoebridge. I remind Senator Shoebridge that not only did the government introduce this bill but the Senate committee that inquired into the bill recommended that the parliament pass this bill. We continue to call on the opposition to commit to supporting the legislation. I'm reminded that, on 28 March this year, the shadow home affairs minister, Senator Paterson, said, 'We will bring our members and senators back whenever required to pass this legislation.' Funnily enough, the opposition have not been prepared to debate the bill, including on many days when it has been listed. Even on 7 May, Senator Paterson said:

… we do recognise there's a genuine public policy problem here, which is that some people who are found not to be refugees refused to cooperate with their own deportation and then can languish in Australia for many years after they should. That's a genuine problem.

Unfortunately, Senator Shoebridge, as you would be aware, it does require a majority of senators to vote for any bill. We understand the Greens will never support this bill. But the opposition, despite their many claims, including those two from Senator Paterson, have made it clear that they are unwilling to pass this bill as well, even on the many days when it has been listed for debate.

So we do continue to call on the opposition to actually do what it says that it's about, which is strengthening our immigration laws. We remain of the view that for those to whom Australia does not owe protection—of course, there's a different situation for those who have been found to be needing asylum in Australia, but for those found not to be affected, we do think that it is the Australian people's right to deport those people, and we think that those laws are required.


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