Senate debates

Thursday, 27 June 2024

Questions without Notice


2:26 pm

Photo of Penny WongPenny Wong (SA, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Foreign Affairs) Share this | Hansard source

Thank you, Senator Sterle. I acknowledge your advocacy, and that of so many of our colleagues, over so many years for low- and middle-income Australians. That is one of the big differences between our parties. Those opposite—remember—had tax cuts which vastly benefited those on higher incomes.

And now they are still going on about it. I know it really pains you that 2.9 million people on incomes under $45,000 a year who would not have received at cent under your plan now get a tax cut under us. That really pains you, doesn't it?

I look forward to Senator Birmingham being very supportive of the fact that nine out of 10 of our taxpaying constituents in South Australia will get a bigger tax cut. I look forward to Senator Hume being pleased that 86 per cent of Victorian taxpayers will get a bigger tax cut from 1 July. And I look forward to Senator Cash recognising that 81 per cent of Western Australians will get a bigger— (Time expired)


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