Senate debates

Thursday, 27 June 2024


Whistleblower Protection

4:25 pm

Photo of Jenny McAllisterJenny McAllister (NSW, Australian Labor Party, Assistant Minister for Climate Change and Energy) Share this | Hansard source

The government opposes this motion. Of course we agree that it is essential to protect whistleblowers. That is why we are committed to delivering strong, effective and accessible protections for them, and we've taken significant steps in this regard since coming to office.

In June last year, the parliament passed priority amendments to the Public Interest Disclosure Act, which delivered immediate improvements to the public sector whistleblower scheme, and they were in place in time for the commencement of the National Anti-Corruption Commission. These were the first significant public sector whistleblower reforms since the Public Interest Disclosure Act was first enacted, a decade ago. The government is now progressing a second, broader stage of reforms. This stage includes the release of a consultation paper and public consultation on additional supports for public sector whistleblowers, including consultation on whether a whistleblower protection authority should be established. Submissions received as part of the consultation process are being used to inform the government's next steps. This is significant progress, but, of course, there is always more to do.

The motion before us makes mention of Mr Julian Assange. Over the two years since we took office, the government has engaged and advocated to resolve Mr Assange's matter. We are pleased Mr Assange has now arrived in Australia. The Prime Minister said yesterday, 'This outcome has been the product of careful, patient and determined work.' Sometimes just quietly getting on with the job can be more effective than shouting from the rooftops, which is something that the Greens political party obviously struggles to understand.

The motion also makes mention of cases that are currently before the courts or may be subject to appeal. It is not appropriate for the Senate to express a view on these matters, and it is irresponsible to propose that it do so. On that basis, this motion cannot be supported.


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