Senate debates

Thursday, 27 June 2024

Questions without Notice

Cost of Living

2:12 pm

Photo of Katy GallagherKaty Gallagher (ACT, Australian Labor Party, Minister for the Public Service) Share this | Hansard source

I thank Senator Cash for the question. Inflation remains a significant challenge across many economies across the world. Australia is no different. We are seeing a welcome moderation in the inflation rate compared to when we came to government. Let's not forget we inherited inflation at 6.1 per cent. It peaked in December 2022 at over eight per cent. I think it was 8.4 per cent. It has come down and is now moderating, and that is welcome. I would have thought we would have all welcomed that.

In terms of the three budgets since we came to power, we have had a record number of new jobs since coming to office. That is a great thing. We have the lowest gender pay gap on record. We have record women's participation. We have wages moving again for the first time, after a decade of stagnation and policy that kept wages low. We've seen increases in the minimum wage. Of course, we've delivered the first budget surplus in 15 years, with another one to come. I know that hurts those opposite.

In terms of cost-of-living help and support for families, we have tax cuts for every taxpayer on 1 July. We have cheaper child care, cheaper medicines, Medicare urgent care clinics. We have tripled the bulk-billing incentive. We've got fee-free TAFE places. We've got energy bill relief. We've strengthened PPL. We've extended PPL. We're going to pay super on PPL. All of these are measures that those opposite in 10 years couldn't get around to. We've got increased support for JobSeeker and single parents. We have established the Housing Australia Future Fund, recognising the disarray the housing policy area was in. All of that we've achieved in just three budgets. (Time expired)


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