Senate debates

Tuesday, 2 July 2024


National Disability Insurance Scheme; Order for the Production of Documents

4:18 pm

Photo of Tammy TyrrellTammy Tyrrell (Tasmania, Jacqui Lambie Network) Share this | Hansard source

I move:

That there be laid on the table by the Minister representing the Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme by Monday, 22 July 2024, documents relating to the Information, Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC) grant program for 2024-25, including the following information:

(a) the name of each successful applicant and reasons for successful application;

(b) the name of each unsuccessful applicant and reasons for rejection of application (including programs that were funded until 30 June 2024, but did not have funding renewed);

(c) the positions of persons on the Expert Advisory Group who supported the ILC grant process; and

(d) the positions of persons to whom decision-making powers over the grant were delegated.

Question agreed to.


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