Senate debates

Tuesday, 2 July 2024

Matters of Urgency


4:51 pm

Photo of Malcolm RobertsMalcolm Roberts (Queensland, Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party) Share this | Hansard source

When will this government actually care about Australians? For most people, the Australian dream of buying a home is dead. This government would rather have people as housing slaves: either debt slaves to the banking cartel, with unaffordable mortgages, or rent slaves, with overseas investment funds like BlackRock and Vanguard as landlords.

In their motion, the Greens criticise property investors. Those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, or, rather, those with housing portfolios shouldn't throw Senate motions. Greens Senators Faruqi and McKim reportedly each own four properties. Remember Senator Faruqi's native tree clearing in koala habitat to build luxury rentals in Port Macquarie. Yet the Greens property investors say they're the enemies of property investors and the saviours of koalas. The old saying seems true: every accusation is actually a confession.

I've got nothing against property investors. In well-balanced housing markets, investors play an important part in housing supply, yet successive governments pushing record immigration destroyed the dream of owning a home in Australia. In 2023 alone, 547,000 immigrants arrived. For arrivals alone, we were short 120,000 homes. That's not counting the housing shortfall for natural population growth. The extraordinary demand for housing for new arrivals must be turned off. One Nation is the only party that can be trusted to make the tough decisions on cutting immigration to reduce housing demand, getting more houses built and putting Australians first—no more immigrants until Australians can afford a roof over their head. Send some visa holders back to their countries until house construction catches up. Our building codes are distorted with overly complicated nonsense to comply with the United Nations and World Economic Forum demands. That stops our tradies building more houses. We'll get rid of it. We'll bring the banking cartel into line.

For first home buyers, One Nation's five per cent fixed mortgages will be more than $800 a month cheaper. To get people into their own homes, put Australians first.


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