Senate debates

Tuesday, 2 July 2024

Matters of Urgency

Nuclear Energy

5:31 pm

Photo of Ross CadellRoss Cadell (NSW, National Party) Share this | Hansard source

So, we get down here. Nuclear has to be part of the mix. Nuclear can give you power when you turn the switch on. Nuclear can always be there. If we're going down this hydrogen path for vehicles—and I think we will be using hydrogen—it doesn't have to be green hydrogen; it can be hydrogen that comes from nuclear power plants when they're always running. And you can have your Hyundai N74 car. We can have trains running on these things.

You have to have power that is firm, that is real, that is dispatchable, that is ready for industry. You have to have it always there. And battery technology is not evolving. We've just heard from those opposite, with an interjection, that their plan knows they can't get to a zero-emissions energy grid; they need gas. That was their admission. They're going to have to sweat coal. So, nuclear is the answer here. When you're talking about the AP1000, there are nine of them being built. There are six in existence. And those energy technology powerhouses like Bangladesh can do it. Bangladesh has us covered in the technological area when it comes to nuclear.

These are the things we're talking about. These people don't believe in nuclear, because they don't believe in Australia.


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